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  • Auer rod-positive acute leukemia with predominantly lymphoid immunophenotype: Report on 11 cases and review of literature 

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    Hrušák, Ondřej


    Stančíková, Jitka


    Vodičková, Elena


    Podolská, Tereza


    Möricke, Anja


    Attarbaschi, Andishe


    Dworzak, Michael


    Šestáková, Zuzana


    Švec, Peter


    Kubričanová Žaliová, Markéta


    Janotová, Iveta


    Zapletal, Ondřej


    Mejstříková, Ester


    Starý, Jan



    Pediatric Blood and Cancer




    BACKGROUND: Auer rods (AuRs) are prominent intracellular structures found almost exclusively in myeloid cell malignancies, such as acute myeloid leukemia (AML), chronic and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia and myelodysplastic ...

  • Clostridioides difficile infections were predominantly driven by fluoroquinolone-resistant Clostridioides difficile ribotypes 176 and 001 in Slovakia in 2018-2019 

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    Plankaova, Adriana


    Brajerová, Marie


    Čapek, Václav


    Novotna, Gabriela Balikova


    Kinross, Peter


    Skalova, Jana


    Soltesova, Anna


    Dřevínek, Pavel


    Krůtová, Marcela



    International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents




    AIMS: We aimed to investigate Clostridioides difficile (CDI) epidemiology in Slovakian hospitals after the emergence of ribotype 176 (027-like) in 2016. METHODS: Between 2018 and 2019, the ECDC CDI surveillance protocol ...

  • The Composition of The Gut Virome is Associated with the Later Development of Coeliac Disease: Results of A Prospective Follow-Up of Two Neonatal Cohorts 

    abstrakt v konferenčním sborníku

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    Cinek, Ondřej


    Chudá, Kateřina


    Tapia, German


    Hubáčková, Klára


    Shah, Shiraz


    Thorsen, Jonathan


    Boulund, Ulrika


    Stene, Lars Christian


    Stordal, Ketil


    Veijola, Riitta


    Hyoty, Heikki





    Česká společnost chemická


    NIVB Meeting 2024




    Celiac disease (CD) develops in only a tiny fraction ofindividuals who carry susceptible HLA genotypes andconsume gluten. This has prompted the search forenvironmental triggers or accelerators, including the realm ofviruses. ...

  • Bacterial contamination in public transport during COVID-19 pandemic: Characterization of an unusual Staphylococcus aureus isolate tolerant to vancomycin 

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    Smělíková, Eva


    Krůtová, Marcela


    Čapek, Václav


    Brajerová, Marie


    Dřevínek, Pavel


    Tkadlec, Jan



    Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety




    Public transport represents a potential site for the transmission of resistant pathogens due to the rapid movement of large numbers of people. This study aimed to investigate the bacterial contamination of frequently touched ...

  • Multidrug-resistant ESBL-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae complex in Czech hospitals, wastewaters and surface waters 

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    Davidova-Gerzova, Lenka


    Lausova, Jarmila


    Sukkar, Iva


    Nechutná, Lucie


    Kubackova, Petra


    Krůtová, Marcela


    Bezdicek, Matej


    Dolejská, Monika



    Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control




    BACKGROUND: Multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria pose a significant challenge to the treatment of infectious diseases. Of particular concern are members of the Klebsiella pneumoniae species complex (KpSC), which are frequently ...

  • Metabolism of primary high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC) cells under limited glutamine or glucose availability 

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    Šimčíková, Daniela


    Gardáš, Dominik


    Pelikán, Tomáš


    Moráň, Lukáš


    Hruda, Martin


    Hložková, Kateřina


    Pivetta, Tiziana


    Hendrych, Michal


    Starková, Júlia


    Rob, Lukáš


    Vaňhara, Petr


    Heneberg, Petr



    Cancer & Metabolism




    BackgroundHigh-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC) is the most common and aggressive subtype of epithelial ovarian carcinoma. It is primarily diagnosed at stage III or IV when the 5-year survival rate ranges between 20% ...

  • Revising pathogenesis of AP1S1-related MEDNIK syndrome: a missense variant in the AP1S1 gene as a causal genetic lesion 

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    Racková, Markéta


    Mattera, Rafael


    Svatoň, Michael


    Fencl, Filip


    Kanderová, Veronika


    Špičáková, Karolina


    Park, Sang Yoon


    Fabián, Ondřej


    Koblížek, Miroslav


    Froňková, Eva


    Bonifacino, Juan S.


    Škvárová Kramarzová, Karolina



    Journal of Molecular Medicine




    MEDNIK syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by mental retardation, enteropathy, deafness, peripheral neuropathy, ichthyosis, and keratoderma, and caused by variants in the adaptor-related protein ...

  • Distinct pattern of genomic breakpoints in CML and BCR::ABL1-positive ALL: analysis of 971 patients 

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    Hovorková, Lenka


    Winkowska, Lucie


    Skořepová, Justina


    Krumbholz, Manuela


    Benesova, Adela


    Polivkova, Vaclava


    Alten, Julia


    Bardini, Michela


    Meyer, Claus


    Kim, Rathana


    Trahair, Toby N


    Clappier, Emmanuelle


    Chiaretti, Sabina


    Henderson, Michelle


    Sutton, Rosemary


    Šrámková, Lucie


    Starý, Jan


    Polakova, Katerina Machova


    Marschalek, Rolf


    Metzler, Markus


    Cazzaniga, Giovanni


    Cario, Gunnar


    Trka, Jan


    Žaliová, Markéta


    Zuna, Jan



    Molecular Cancer




    BACKGROUND: The BCR::ABL1 is a hallmark of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and is also found in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Most genomic breaks on the BCR side occur in two regions - Major and minor - leading to ...

  • Rewired glutamate metabolism diminishes cytostatic action of L-asparaginase 

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    Hložková, Kateřina


    Vasylkivska, Maryna


    Boufersaoui, Adam


    Marzullo, Bryan


    Kolárik, Matúš


    Alquezar Artieda, Natividad


    Shaikh, Mehak


    Alaei Faradonbeh, Nadia


    Žaliová, Markéta


    Zwyrtková, Martina


    Bakardjieva - Mihaylova, Violeta


    Alberich Jorda, Meritxell


    Trka, Jan


    Tennant, Daniel A


    Starková, Júlia



    Cancer Letters




    Tumor cells often adapt to amino acid deprivation through metabolic rewiring, compensating for the loss with alternative amino acids/substrates. We have described such a scenario in leukemic cells treated with L-asparaginase ...

  • Defects in B-lymphopoiesis and B-cell maturation underlie prolonged B-cell depletion in ANCA-associated vasculitis 

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    Thiel, Jens


    Schmidt, Franziska M


    Lorenzetti, Raquel


    Troilo, Arianna


    Janowska, Iga


    Nießen, Lena


    Pfeiffer, Sophie


    Staniek, Julian


    Benassini, Bruno


    Bott, Marei-Theresa


    Korzhenevich, Jakov


    Konstantinidis, Lukas


    Burgbacher, Frank


    Dufner, Ann-Katrin


    Frede, Natalie


    Voll, Reinhard E


    Stuchlý, Jan


    Bakardjieva, Marina


    Kalina, Tomáš


    Smulski, Cristian Roberto


    Venhoff, Nils


    Rizzi, Marta



    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases




    OBJECTIVES: B-cell depletion time after rituximab (RTX) treatment is prolonged in antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV) compared with other autoimmune diseases. We investigated central and ...

  • Tviblindi algorithm identifies branching developmental trajectories of human B-cell development and describes abnormalities in RAG-1 and WAS patients 

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    Bakardjieva, Marina


    Pelák, Ondřej


    Wentink, Marjolein


    Glier, Hana


    Novák, David


    Stančíková, Jitka


    Kužílková, Daniela


    Mejstříková, Ester


    Janowska, Iga


    Rizzi, Marta


    van der Burg, Mirjam


    Stuchlý, Jan


    Kalina, Tomáš



    European Journal of Immunology




    Detailed knowledge of human B-cell development is crucial for the proper interpretation of inborn errors of immunity and malignant diseases. It is of interest to understand the kinetics of protein expression changes during ...

  • Adenotonsillar pathology in mucopolysaccharidoses - lysosomal storage predominates in paracortical CD63+ cells 

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    Murgašová, Lenka


    Hůlková, Helena


    Barešová, Veronika


    Jurovčík, Michal


    Stříteský, Jan


    Jurickova, Katarina


    Magner, Martin


    Sikora, Jakub



    Virchows Archiv




    Despite the adenoids are regularly removed in patients with mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS), the underlying tissue and cellular pathologies remain understudied. We characterized an (immuno)histopathologic and ultrastructural ...

  • Using patterns of shared taxa to infer bacterial dispersal in human living environment in urban and rural areas 

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    Grönroos, M


    Jumpponen, A


    Roslund, M I


    Nurminen, N


    Oikarinen, S


    Parajuli, A


    Laitinen, O H


    Cinek, Ondřej


    Kramná, Lenka


    Rajaniemi, J


    Hyöty, H


    Puhakka, R


    Sinkkonen, A



    Applied and Environmental Microbiology




    Contact with environmental microbial communities primes the human immune system. Factors determining the distribution of microorganisms, such as dispersal, are thus important for human health. Here, we used the relative ...

  • Educational inequalities in cervical cancer screening participation in 24 European countries 

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    Altová, Anna


    Kulhánová, Ivana


    Reisser, K


    Netrdová, Pavlína


    Brož, Jan


    Eikemo, T A


    Balaj, M


    Lustigová, Michala



    Public Health




    OBJECTIVES: Cervical cancer screening (CCS) is an important public health measure for early detection of cervical cancer and prevents a large proportion of cervical cancer deaths. However, participation in CCS is relatively ...

  • Correlation of genotype, phenotype and mitochondrial metabolism of patients with Friedreich's ataxia with the aim of implementing innovative therapies 


    omezený přístup


    Ikona Jiná licence

    Šťovíčková, Lucie


    Hansíková, Hana


    Hadžić, Haris


    Strnad, Pavel


    Novotná, Ludmila


    Šimčík, Martin


    Mušová, Zuzana


    Vyhnálek, Martin


    Paulasová - Schwabová, Jaroslava


    Zumrová, Alena


    Title: Presentation of a cohort of 40 Czech and Slovak patients with Friedreich's ataxia with the aim of introducing innovative therapiesBackground and objectives: Friedreich's ataxia (FA) is an autosomal recessive inherited ...

  • Skin exposure to soil microbiota elicits changes in cell-mediated immunity to pneumococcal vaccine 

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    Roslund, Marja I


    Nurminen, Noora


    Oikarinen, Sami


    Puhakka, Riikka


    Grönroos, Mira


    Puustinen, Leena


    Kummola, Laura


    Parajuli, Anirudra


    Cinek, Ondřej


    Laitinen, Olli H


    Hyöty, Heikki


    Sinkkonen, Aki



    Scientific Reports




    A resilient immune system is characterized by its capacity to respond appropriately to challenges, such as infections, and it is crucial in vaccine response. Here we report a paired randomized intervention-control trial ...

  • Multicenter benchmarking of short and long read wet lab protocols for clinical viral metagenomics 

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    Lopez-Labrador, F Xavier


    Huber, Michael


    Sidorov, Igor A


    Brown, Julianne R


    Cuypers, Lize


    Laenen, Lies


    Vanmechelen, Bert


    Maes, Piet


    Fischer, Nicole


    Pichler, Ian


    Storey, Nathaniel


    Atkinson, Laura


    Schmutz, Stefan


    Kufner, Verena


    van Boheemen, Sander


    Mulders, Claudia E


    Grundhoff, Adam


    Blümke, Patrick


    Robitaille, Alexis


    Cinek, Ondřej


    Hubáčková, Klára


    Mourik, Kees


    Boers, Stefan A


    Stauber, Lea


    Salmona, Maud


    Cappy, Pierre


    Ramette, Alban


    Franze', Alessandra


    LeGoff, Jerome


    Claas, Eric C J


    Rodriguez, Christophe


    de Vries, Jutte J C



    Journal of Clinical Virology




    Metagenomics is gradually being implemented for diagnosing infectious diseases. However, in-depth protocol comparisons for viral detection have been limited to individual sets of experimental workflows and laboratories. ...

  • High incidence of occult familial SDHD cases amongst Czech patients with head and neck paragangliomas 

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    Guha, Anasuya


    Vícha, Aleš


    Zelinka, Tomáš


    Kaňa, Martin


    Musil, Zdeněk


    Pacák, Karel


    Betka, Jan


    Chovanec, Martin


    Plzák, Jan


    Bouček, Jan



    Frontiers in Endocrinology




    INTRODUCTION: Head and neck paragangliomas (HNPGLs) are rare neuroendocrine tumors, which are mostly benign in nature. Amongst all genes, Succinate Dehydrogenase Subunit D (SDHD) is the most commonly mutated in familial ...

  • Constitutional and acquired genetic variants in ARID5B in pediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia 

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    Ragnarsson, Charlotte


    Yang, Minjun


    Moura-Castro, Larissa Helena


    Aydın, Efe


    Gunnarsson, Rebeqa


    Olsson-Arvidsson, Linda


    Lilljebjörn, Henrik


    Fioretos, Thoas


    Duployez, Nicolas


    Žaliová, Markéta


    Zuna, Jan


    Castor, Anders


    Johansson, Bertil


    Paulsson, Kajsa



    Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer




    Constitutional polymorphisms in ARID5B are associated with an increased risk of developing high hyperdiploid (HeH; 51-67 chromosomes) pediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP ALL). Here, we investigated ...

  • The gray area of RQ-PCR-based measurable residual disease: subdividing the "positive, below quantitative range" category 

    letter to the editors

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    Kotrová, Michaela


    Froňková, Eva


    Svatoň, Michael


    Drandi, Daniela


    Schön, Felix


    Hoogeveen, Patricia


    Hancock, Jeremy


    Skotnicová, Aneta


    Schilhabel, Anke


    Eckert, Cornelia


    Clappier, Emmanuelle


    Cazzaniga, Gianni


    Schäfer, Beat W


    van Dongen, Jacques J M


    Ritgen, Matthias


    Pott, Christiane


    van der Velden, Vincent H J


    Trka, Jan


    Brüggemann, Monika







    Detection of measurable residual disease (MRD) in hematological malignancies is crucial for prognostication and treatment decisions. Real-time quantitative PCR (RQ-PCR), which targets immunoglobulin (IG) and T-cell receptor ...

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