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  • The Czech National MS Registry (ReMuS): Data trends in multiple sclerosis patients whose first disease-modifying therapies were initiated from 2013 to 2021 

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    Šťastná, Dominika


    Drahota, Jiří


    Lauer, Michal


    Mazouchová, Aneta


    Meňkyová, Ingrid


    Adámková, Jana


    Ampapa, Radek


    Dufek, Michal


    Grunermelova, Marketa


    Hradilek, Pavel


    Kubala Havrdová, Eva


    Mareš, Jan


    Martínková, Alena


    Pavelek, Zbyšek


    Peterka, Marek


    Recmanová, Eva


    Ročková, Petra


    Štětkářová, Ivana


    Štourač, Pavel


    Vachová, Marta


    Horáková, Dana



    Biomedical Papers




    AIMS: Multiple sclerosis treatment strategies are changing in the Czech Republic. According to data from 2013-2021, the proportion of patients starting high-efficacy disease-modifying therapies is increasing. In this survey, ...

  • Structural and microstructural predictors of cognitive decline in deep brain stimulation of subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease 

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    Filip, Pavel


    Mana, Josef


    Lasica, Andrej


    Keller, Jiří


    Urgošík, Dušan


    May, Jaromír


    Müller, Karsten


    Jech, Robert


    Bezdíček, Ondřej


    Růžička, Filip



    NeuroImage. Clinical




    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The intricate relationship between deep brain stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson's disease (PD) and cognitive impairment has lately garnered substantial attention. The presented study evaluated pre-DBS ...

  • Naturalizing Nous ? Theophrastus on Nous, Nature, and Motion 

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    Falcon, Andrea


    Roreitner, Robert







    There is prima facie evidence that Theophrastus naturalized nous to the extent that he spoke of it in naturalizing terms. But our evidence also suggests that Theophrastus accepted the reasons Aristotle had for excluding ...

  • Amiodarone but not propafenone impairs bioenergetics and autophagy of human myocardial cells 

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    Krajčová, Adéla


    Němcová, Vlasta


    Halačová, Milada


    Waldauf, Petr


    Balík, Martin


    Duška, František



    Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology




    Cardiac and extra-cardiac side effects of common antiarrhythmic agents might be related to drug-induced mitochondrial dysfunction. Supratherapeutic doses of amiodarone have been shown to impair mitochondria in animal ...

  • Small nucleolar RNA expression profiles: A potential prognostic biomarker for non-viral Hepatocellular carcinoma 

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    Mallela, Venkata Ramana


    Kasi, Phanindra Babu


    Shetti, Dattatrya


    Trailin, Andriy


    Červenková, Lenka


    Pálek, Richard


    Daum, Ondřej


    Liška, Václav


    Hemminki, Kari Jussi


    Ambrożkiewicz, Filip



    Non-coding RNA Research




    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a challenging cancer with high mortality rates, limited predictability, and a lack of effective prognostic indicators. The relationship between small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) and HCC is ...

  • Restituce nacisty uloupeného umění v České republice 

    Restitution of Nazi-Looted Art in the Czech Republic




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    Löbling, Zuzana


    Podobně jako sousední země je i Česká republika zasažena problematikou nacisty uloupeného umění. Nicméně vzhledem ke specifickélokální situaci musela najít vhodný způsob, jak se s touto problematikou vypořádat. První ...

  • The Struggle for Justice: Post-WWII Restitution of Richard Morawetz’ Art Collection 




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    Löbling, Zuzana


    This presentation shows the post-WWII restitution efforts for the significant art collection of Richard Morawetz, which was deposited in the the National Gallery Prague in 1939. Following the family's escape from Czechoslovakia ...

  • Analýza judikatury Nejvyššího správního soudu týkající se požadavků na odůvodnění opatření podle tzv. pandemického zákona 

    Analysis of the case law of the Czech Supreme Administrative Court concerning the requirements for the explanatory memoranda of measures adopted under the so-called Pandemic Act

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    Ondřejek, Pavel



    Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Iuridica




    Článek reflektuje požadavky na odůvodnění mimořádných opatření přijatých podle zákona č. 94/2001 Sb. (tzv. pandemického zákona), které plynou z judikatury Nejvyššího správního soudu. Vedle požadavků na odůvodnění mimořádných ...

  • Comparative Study on Refunds Stipulated in the Budgetary Discipline Enforcement Regulatory Framework in the Visegrád Countries 

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    Kerndlová, Petra


    Boháč, Radim


    Málek, Ondřej


    Tuláček, Michal



    The Lawyer Quarterly




    Refunds play a crucial role in enforcing budgetary discipline across regulatory frameworks, ensuring that public funds remain aligned with their intended purposes. This article aims to explore the similarities and differences ...

  • (Ne)důvěra v očkování v ČR pohledem zdravotníků a váhavých rodičů 

    (Dis)trust in vaccination in the Czech Republic from the perspective of health professionals and hesitant parents

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    Kotherová, Zuzana


    Hasmanová Marhánková, Jaroslava


    Numerato, Dino



    Vox Pediatriae




    Váhavost k očkování je multidimenzionální fenomén, který je ovlivňován řadou individuálních i společenských faktorů (např. Dubé et al., 2013; MacDonald, 2015). Individuální faktory (např. Dubé et al., 2013; Rey et al., ...

  • Critical survival periods in prostate cancer in Sweden explored by conditional survival analysis 

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    Hemminki, Kari Jussi


    Zitrický, František


    Sundquist, Kristina


    Sundquist, Jan


    Foersti, Asta


    Hemminki, Akseli


    Hemminki, Otto



    Cancer Medicine




    BackroundWe wanted to characterize conditional survival in prostate cancer (PC) in Sweden around and after 2005 when the vast increase in incidence due to the opportunistic testing for prostate specific antigen (PSA) ...

  • A metric for comparison and visualization of age disparities in cancer survival 

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    Zitrický, František


    Hemminki, Kari Jussi



    Cancer Epidemiology




    AIMS: Diagnostic age is an important determinant of cancer survival but the methods generally used to analyze age-group-specific survival are not developed for ready visualization of survival differences. We aim at developing ...

  • Daniela Brádlerová, Milada Paulová, první česká profesorka: mezi soudobými dějinami a byzantologií, Praha 2021 

    Daniela Brádlerová, Milada Paulová, the First Czech Professor: Between Contemporary History and Byzantine Studies, Prague, 2021


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    Veverková, Andrea



    Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis




    Publikace "Milada Paulová, první československá profesorka: mezi soudobými dějinami a byzantologií" je výsledkem projektu zaměřeného na život a dílo zakladatelských osobností historické slavistiky, Jaroslava Bidla a Milady ...

  • The Relation of On-Ice and Off-Ice Performance at Two Different Performance Levels in Youth Ice-Hockey Players 

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    Roczniok, Robert


    Šťastný, Petr


    Novák, Dominik


    Opath, Lukas


    Terbalyan, Artur


    Musálek, Martin



    Journal of Human Kinetics




    Ice hockey requires two levels of specific agility, involving different abilities, where the level of agility and their constraints might vary by the performance level. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the relationship ...

  • Final assessment in teacher education: innovations for better learning experiences 

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    Crespo Lopes, Juliana


    Bačová, Veronika


    Dědičová, Marie


    Scheithauerová, Lenka



    Acta Scientiarum Education




    Learning assessment is an essential part of the educational process, and it is even more important when dealing with Teacher Education courses. Assessment procedures will be present throughout the future teaching career ...

  • Using patterns of shared taxa to infer bacterial dispersal in human living environment in urban and rural areas 

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    Grönroos, M


    Jumpponen, A


    Roslund, M I


    Nurminen, N


    Oikarinen, S


    Parajuli, A


    Laitinen, O H


    Cinek, Ondřej


    Kramná, Lenka


    Rajaniemi, J


    Hyöty, H


    Puhakka, R


    Sinkkonen, A



    Applied and Environmental Microbiology



    Contact with environmental microbial communities primes the human immune system. Factors determining the distribution of microorganisms, such as dispersal, are thus important for human health. Here, we used the relative ...


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    Iguavita Duarte, Fabio







    This small-N cross-regional analysis examines the link between extreme but far from isolated massacres perpetrated during the Bosnian War 1992-1995 and the 1997-2003 interval in the Colombian armed conflict. The afflicted ...

  • Motion onset VEPs can see through the blur 

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    Kordek, David


    Young, Laura


    Voda, Petr


    Kremláček, Jan



    Scientific Reports




    MMotion-onset visual evoked potentials (MO VEPs) are robust to dioptric blur when low contrast and low spatial frequency patterns are used for stimulation. To reveal mechanisms of MO VEPs robustness, we studied whether the ...

  • Interesting facts: holistic interviews on children’s nonfiction engagement 

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    Kuzmičová, Anežka


    Supa, Markéta



    Language and Education




    Nonfiction has long been left out of the discourse on literacy and little is known about the affective experiences that children seek when they choose to engage with facts via reading and otherwise. We have conducted an ...

  • Memory Traces, Phenomenology and the Simulationist vs Causal Theory Dispute 

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    do Valle Miranda, Luiz



    Analiza i Egzystencja




    Philosophy of memory is a hot topic in the cognitive sciences and philosophy of mind. This work examines the dispute between simulations and causal theories of memory by means of an examination of the feeling of familiarity ...

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